Carolina Print Hub: Printing from a Mac


The Carolina Print Hub service enables users to send print jobs to the Carolina Print Hub printers across campus. This document instructs Mac users on how to install the Carolina Print Hub Printing client.


The Carolina Print Hub service enables users to send print jobs to the Carolina Print Hub printers across campus. This document instructs Mac users on how to install the Carolina Print Hub Printing client.


Note that the Mobileprint service can also be used to print on the Carolina Print Hub printers. Mobileprint does not require the installation of the printing client.


STEP 1: Download Carolina Print Hub Printing Client

The steps for downloading and installing the Pharos Popup print queue are the same in all Mac operating systems (OS). To download the Carolina Print Hub client, visit the Information Technology Services' Shareware site and find the entry for Carolina Print Hub. In the drop-down list choose the Version of software appropriate to your operating system. You will need to supply your Onyen and Onyen password to download the Printing client.

STEP 2: Install and Configure Pharos Popup 9.0

The steps for installing and configuring the Pharos Popup print queue are different depending on which version of the Mac OS you are using. Be sure to follow configuration instructions specific to your OS.

Mac OS 10.11+

  1. Uninstall any existing versions of Pharos before installing (see Removing Popup).
  2. After you have downloaded the Carolina Print Hub Printing Client file, double-click the file to open the installer and then double-click the installer file to begin installing.
  3. Once the installation has finished, reboot your computer. Carolina Print Hub is now listed as a choice when you print. 

Removing Popup

  1. ​​Launch the Uninstaller application using this navigation path:  Your.Hard.Disk>Library>Application Support>Pharos>Utilities>Uninstaller.
  2. Select Pharos Popup and any other Pharos components you need to uninstall and click Continue.
  3. A list of the selected items displays. Click Continue.
  4. Enter your administrator credentials.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Check your log-in items (Go to System Preferences>Users&Groups>yourusername>Login Items) and if Popup client exists, remove it.
  7. Check your launch agents for Pharos plist file.  Launch agents are located in /Library/Launchagents.  To go to that location, Go to Finder>Click on Go>press option key while Go is selected and Library should appear>Click on Library->Open LaunchAgents folder.  If there is a file in this folder named “com.pharospopupclient.plist“, delete it.
  8. If re-installing Pharos, reboot your machine at this point and then run the installer.



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