ConnectCarolina: Finding Help Resources


ConnectCarolina is a fully integrated administrative system for student systems, HR, payroll and finance at UNC-Chapel Hill. This article presents resources and support for many things you do in ConnectCarolina.


ConnectCarolina is a fully integrated administrative system for student systems, HR, payroll and finance at UNC-Chapel Hill. This article presents resources and support for many things you do in ConnectCarolina.


Accessing Connect Carolina

  • You can use your UNC-Chapel Hill Onyen and password to log into ConnectCarolina.


Top Help Links

On the ConnectCarolina User Information (CCInfo) website, we have pages that collect the most valuable resources for people with specific roles and responsibilities. Here are a few of the commonly accessed pages.

  • The Faculty page connects you with information about entering grades, start of the semester tasks, and more.
  • The Student page connects you with the University catalog, the campus computing initiative, and more.
  • The Research administrators page contains information about reports, queries, and more.
  • The Budgets page contains information to help finance administrators who manage budgets.
  • The HR representatives page contains information about job data, org charts, and more.

These pages are just a small sample of the resources available to you as you work in ConnectCarolina.


Additional Help Resources

You can find more help in three places:


Help Page

In ConnectCarolina, click the Help tile to see a help page with links to online training and some of the most frequently requested help resources. 


Online Help

The searchable online help has all of the information from guides broken into smaller pieces, allowing you to find just what you need when you need it. You can get to online help when you are in ConnectCarolina in the 3-dot action menu and then click the Help link.

To use the online help, you can type terms into the search box at the top right of the screen. Or you can use the menu on the left to browse through all of the topics by area.


ConnectCarolina User Information Website

The ConnectCarolina User Information (CCInfo) website is full of resources. You can expand each of the menu items to find the role or task you’re looking for.

If you need help getting access to ConnectCarolina, you’ll find valuable information on CCInfo under the Get Access tab.



Article ID: 206
Wed 6/19/24 4:20 PM
Wed 6/19/24 6:07 PM