GAME PASS - ResNET Gaming Policy


This article details the ResNET Gaming Policy and how to register a device.


This article details the ResNET Gaming Policy and how to register a device.


Certain games don’t function fully behind the firewall.  If there is a game that does not function well in multiplayer, and you believe this is a result of a port being blocked, you may register this device as a ‘gaming device’ and bypass the firewall.  This applies for wired and wireless devices.   THIS WILL ONLY FUNCTION WHILE IN THE HOUSING (ResNET) NETWORKS.  Outside of Housing/ResNET networks, you will get normal firewalled access.

Registering a device as a gaming device has security implications.  Once registered as a gaming device, your device will be exposed to the Internet with no UNC-provided protection.  It will be exposed to potential exploit.  It will be up to you to make sure your device is patched and secured.  We reserve the right to revoke registrations if we feel this service is being used inappropriately.  If you are seeing no issues with gaming, do NOT register your device as a gaming device. 

To register a device for Game Pass you will need to update your DHCP registration.  Registration will apply for devices connected to wired, YY-YY-UNC-PSK (23-24-UNC-PSK for example) and eduroam networks.

  1. Go to UNC Onyen Site
  2. Select ‘DHCP Registration’
  3. Once you have accepted the Acceptable Use Policy and have a list of your  DHCP registrations, select ‘add’ or ‘update’ next to the device you wish to register /update as a gaming device.
  4. In the details page, you should see ‘Add this host to the gaming policy’ at the bottom of the page.
  5. The following page will warn you of the consequences.  Click ‘Add the host to the gaming policy’

If the device is connected to wireless, it will be disconnected.  Once reconnected, it should participate in Game Pass.  Devices that are connected via a wired port will have that port shut down for 10 seconds, then re-enabled.  Once re-enabled, that device should  be in Game Pass.  You should have an IP address that starts with 204.84.X.X if you were successfully transitioned to a gaming device.  If your game does not function after registering the device as a gaming device, then submit a service request. 

You can remove the device from Game Pass at any time through the DHCP Registration option on the ONYEN portal.




Article ID: 281
Tue 7/2/24 4:15 PM
Tue 7/2/24 5:31 PM