Zoom: Compare Meetings and Webinars


This article compares Zoom Meetings and Webinars. All current faculty, staff, and students can host Zoom Meetings with a maximum of 300 participants, which includes those hosting the meeting.


This article compares Zoom Meetings and Webinars. All current faculty, staff, and students can host Zoom Meetings with a maximum of 300 participants, which includes those hosting the meeting.


Zoom Meetings allow greater collaboration among all meeting participants. Meeting hosts can allow participants to turn on their video and audio, screen share, and use the meeting whiteboard. Participants can also view the list of participants. If you are interested in hosting a meeting with up to 500 participants, submit a service request.

Zoom Webinars are designed so that the host and any designated panellists can share their video, audio, and screen. Webinars allow view-only attendees, who have the ability to interact via Q&A, chat, and answering polling questions. The host can selectively unmute attendees. If you are interested in hosting a webinar using Zoom, submit a service request.


  Zoom Meeting Zoom Webinar
Capacity, including hosts 300 by default; larger meetings may be accommodated. Submit a service request. 1,000 by default; larger webinars may be accommodated. Submit a service request.
Session recording Yes Yes
Screen, audio, and video sharing All Participants Hosts and panellists only
Participant registration Can be turned on can be turned on
Participant names Readable by all participants Readable only by hosts and panellists
Assign participants to breakout rooms Yes No
Question and answer tool No Yes
Closed captioning A designated participant can transcribe audio during a session. If your unit has purchased closed captioning services through a third party, you can link this service to the meeting. Automated transcripts can also be enabled for cloud recordings or live within a meeting. A designated participant can transcribe audio during a session. If your unit has purchased closed captioning services through a third party, you can link this service to the webinar. Automated transcripts can also be enabled for cloud recordings or live within a webinar.

Learn more about hosting Zoom meetings and Webinars at the Zoom Support Center.



Article ID: 51
Wed 5/8/24 10:27 AM
Mon 1/13/25 9:37 AM
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