Statistical Computing - Updating your JMP License

This article is intended for users of the SAS - JMP software. It provides instructions for updating the license in JMP versions 14.x and 15.x.


Updating the license for JMP 15.x and 16.x


Expired License

If your JMP 15/16 license is expired, then starting JMP 14/15 will produce a JMP: Provide Your JMP License window asking if you would like to update the license. If you haven’t already downloaded a new license file, go to (Onyen authentication required) to download the license file. Make sure to choose the correct product (JMP), operating system, and software version.

Active License

 If the license has not yet expired, and you wish to update the license, then start JMP 15/16, open a script window (from the menus: File > New > Script ) and type the following into the script window: renew license();

 1. Now run the script ( in the script window and select , or from the menus: Edit > Run Script ). Running the script will present you with the JMP: Provice Your JMP License window:

2. Click Open License and browse to where you downloaded the jmp.txt license file and click Open.

3. You will presented with the JMP: Personalize Your JMP License window. If you would like, you can enter your name and department. Otherwise, you can click OK.

4. You may be presented with “JMP Alert” box stating that it was “Unable to save PER file to specified location. Please try again.” click “OK”, a Save License As window will appear (Windows users). You will need to save the JMP file, SAS recommends to save the file in the “Documents” folder. Once saved the license has now been successfully applied.


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Thu 6/6/24 2:21 PM
Sat 6/15/24 2:04 PM