Service Catalog

Categories (11)

Accounts & Access

Ex: Onyen Services, Guest ID
Plus other services that support accounts and requesting access.

Administrative & Business

Ex: Finance, HR, ConnectCarolina, Pay Invoice
Plus other services that support finance, HR, procurement, student information systems, and other administrative areas.

Buildings & Facilities

Ex: Automatic Door Lock, Facilities Requests
Plus other services that support management and upkeep of University locations.

Communication & Collaboration

Ex: Email, Phones, Accessibility, Conferencing
Plus other services that support communication and collaboration.

Data & Reporting

Ex: Data Governance, Policy, Tableau
Plus other services that support data integrity, data governance, and data reporting and processing.

Network & Security

Ex: Duo & MFA, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, Firewall
Plus other services that support network connectivity and IT security.

Personal Computing & Software

Ex: Carolina Print, Adobe, Hardware Repair
Plus other services that support computers, mobile devices, printers, software, etc.

Servers & Storage

Ex: Server Room, SecNAS
Plus other services that support the operation and management of the IT environment.

Teaching & Research

Ex: Classroom, Research Clusters, Canvas
Plus other services that support instructional and research activities.

Websites & Application Development

Ex: WordPress, Middleware, CloudApps
Plus other services that support administration and development of web content and custom applications.


A collection of departmental specific services, all of which are links to services under other categories.