Virtual Lab: Frequently Asked Questions

This is an FAQ for common Virtual Lab questions. 



Virtual Lab is a system that lets you use your laptop or mobile device to access programs normally found only in computer labs and libraries. This article answers some questions you may have about using applications in Virtual Lab.

Q and A section


Where can I save my files on Virtual Lab?

Each time you log in to a Virtual Lab session, Virtual Lab maps the drive letters on your home computer. As long as you choose "Permit all access" when you see the security message that displays when you are running an application, you have access to all your mapped drives and USB flash drives in the application.  You can use these drives like any network drive. You can work on files in your session and then save them to your home drive.

ITS recommends that you save all data and information to your home desktop, a USB flash drive, or a mapped network drive. Any data you save to the Documents folder in Virtual Labs is erased 15 minutes after you close the application, and those files cannot be recovered. Saving Files has more information.


I cannot access my files or save to my local drive while using Virtual Lab.  How do I change the access granted for my local drives?

If you're using Windows: When you start a program in Virtual Lab, the Citrix Workspace icon (a black icon with white arcs on it like a wifi signal) displays in the toolbar at the bottom right of your screen (near the time). Follow these steps:

Right click the Citrix Workspace icon (a blue icon with white arcs on it like a wifi signal)  

Click Connection Center.

When the Connection Center comes up, your current session is highlighted. On the right click on Preferences, in the file access tab make sure read and write permission is selected.  

If you're using a Mac:   On a Mac, you need to change the settings and restart the program for the changes to take effect.  To change these settings, click Preferences in the Citrix Viewer toolbar.  Under the Devices tab, change access to Read and write.  Then restart the program. 


How do I access my files using a file path in programs such as R, SAS, SPSS, M Plus, etc.?

When using Virtual Lab, programs default to the hard drive on the ITS servers. You can tell the program to go to your computer by using this format: \\Client\C$\User\… From there, you can use the file path associated with your personal computer.


Which web browsers are recommended? 

Citrix recommends using the most recent version of Edge, Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.  

If you do have issues accessing Virtual Lab through your web browser, you can also access it directly through Citrix Workspace. To do so, open your Citrix Workspace app and when it asks you to add an account enter “”, without the quotes, in the field.  You will then be prompted to log in.  Use your ONYEN for the username, ONYEN password for password, and authenticate using your preferred method of MS two factor authentication to sign in and it will connect you directly to Virtual Lab.   


What are the hours of operation for Virtual Lab?

Except for minimal weekly maintenance downtime, Virtual Lab is available 24/7.


Do I need a reservation?

Reservations are not necessary, but there are limits to the number of licenses that can be used at the same time for each application. A message will let you know if the maximum number of licenses has been reached. If you see this message, submit a Service Request. ITS may be able to add licenses.


What applications are available? 

The list of available applications appears in the Virtual Lab help document (scroll down about halfway).


I have lost connection to Virtual Lab. Is there a way to restart my session?

Yes. If you reconnect your browser within 15 minutes of the time you lost connection (not including logging off your session), you will be reconnected to your previous session, exactly where you left off.


How long can my session be idle before I'm disconnected? 

If Virtual Lab detects no interaction between your keyboard and mouse and the virtual application for 30 minutes, Virtual Lab disconnects you without warning. You have 15 minutes from the time you were disconnected to restart your session. After 15 minutes, you won't be able to recover your session, including any information that was saved to your virtual application or any processing that was being performed.


How long can I be connected to an application in Virtual Lab?

You can be connected to a virtual application for up to 8 hours, as long as your virtual application isn't idle for more than 30 minutes during that time. Once you reach 8 hours, Virtual Lab disconnects you without warning. You have 15 minutes from the time you were disconnected to restart your session. After 15 minutes, you will not be able to recover your session, including any data saved to your virtual application or any processing that was being performed.


Is there a limit to the number of people who can access Virtual Lab at the same time?

Each application has a limit for how many people can run the application at the same time.  If you cannot access an application and you get an error message similar to the one below, you can try again later or enter a help request.


Can I open the same application multiple times in the same session?

You can only open one instance of an application at a time, but if the program supports it, you can open multiple windows within one instance of the program.


How do I request a new application to be added?

There are two ways to submit a request:

  • From Virtual Lab, click the Submit Help Request button on your homepage. Complete the requested information. 
  • Submit a help request. In the request, mention that the request is for adding an application to Virtual Lab, including the name of the application, why you need it added, how many licenses you have, and when you need it installed.

ITS will do our best to accommodate your needs. 


When I access my home files, how secure is the connection?

When you access your home files from a virtual application in Virtual Lab, you are the only person who can access those files. Other people using Virtual Lab can only access the drives on the computer they are using to access Virtual Lab.


How do I uninstall the Citrix Workspace software?

Before you uninstall the Citrix Workspace software, close your virtual applications, log off your virtual session, and end your internet connection to your home desktop. 

For Windows: 

  1. Click Start menu > Control Panel > Add/Remove Program. 
  2. Find Citrix Workspace – web under program names and click on it. 
  3. Remove the program by clicking Uninstall. 

For Macs:

  1. Download the Citrix workspace app.
  2. Open the Citrixworkspaceapp.dmg file and choose Uninstall Citrix workspace. 


How do I log off the Virtual Lab website?

To log off, click Log Off in the upper right-hand corner of the Virtual Lab website.

Close your virtual applications as you would close applications on your home desktop, by choosing File>Exit or clicking the X in the top right corner in the application. 


My session freezes when I try to open multiple applications at the same time.

You can use multiple Virtual Lab applications at the same time, but ITS recommends that you open the applications one at a time.  Wait for one application to load and open before trying to open another application.


Do I need to be logged into Virtual Lab in my web browser to use Virtual Lab applications?

No. Once you open an application from your browser, you no longer need to be logged into Virtual Lab in your browser unless you want to open another application. The web browser will time out after 15 minutes of inactivity, but this will not affect your Virtual Lab application.

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Article ID: 138
Tue 6/11/24 2:47 PM
Sat 6/15/24 2:17 PM