Telecommunications: Transferring Phone Calls

Call transfers are possible using the Mitel 6867i phone, Premium Mitel Communicator (PC), and the mobile UC-One Connect Evaluation app. 


The two ways a call transfer could be performed are known as an “attended transfer” and “blind transfer”, also known as warm and cold transfer. During an attended transfer, you will be placing your current call on hold, and dialing the phone number you wish to transfer them to. When the transfer number answers, you will then be able to transfer your first call. An attended transfer assures that the transfer number answers, before you send your caller over.

When performing a blind transfer, your current call will be placed on hold. Upon entering the phone number that you wish to send your current call to, you will select “Transfer” or “Transfer Now”, which will immediately transfer your caller. This will transfer the caller, regardless if the transfer number answers or does not.


To transfer a call using Communicator (PC):

  1. When in a call, select the “…” button, and select “Transfer”
  2. To perform a blind transfer, select “Transfer Now”. The call will immediately transfer. To perform an attended transfer, select "Attended Audio”.
  3. If performing an attended transfer, select “Complete Transfer” when you are ready to transfer your caller. This will send your caller to the transfer number.


To transfer a call using Mitel Phone:

  1. While on a call, select “Transfer”
  2. Enter the phone number you would like to transfer your caller to. Once entered, select “Transfer” (yellow box) to perform a blind transfer – the call will transfer immediately. To perform an attended transfer, select “Dial” (red box). A separate call will be created between you and the transfer number.
  3. For attended transfers, once the call connects in step 2, select the original caller and then select “Transfer”. Your call has been transferred.


To transfer a call using UC One Connect Evaluation (mobile client):

  1. While on a call, select the “…” button and then “Transfer”
  2. Dial the number you wish to transfer the caller to, then select the circular green call button. You will then have the option to perform an attended transfer by selecting the first option (yellow box) and a blind transfer by selecting the second option (red box).

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Article ID: 227
Tue 6/25/24 8:58 AM
Mon 8/26/24 9:33 AM