Virtual Lab: Citrix Profiles

This article discusses the various profile options you can use with Citrix.


Citrix runs on a Microsoft Windows platform.  Because of this, Citrix uses Windows profiles to save a user’s application configurations and settings.  Depending on which application you use will determine how profiles are saved or if they are even saved at all


Here are the 3 different methods in place for Citrix profiles.

  • Local Profile – Profile settings are kept on the local server that the application runs on.  This is common when only one server supports the application.
  • Ivanti – Ivanti is a service that captures profile settings and stores them in a remote database.  A user can log into multiple Ivanti enabled servers and retrieve the same application settings.  This is used when a Citrix application is supported by a pool of servers.
  • No Profile Saved – In some cases, profiles are not needed and therefore are not saved.

If you are having issues with your user profile in Citrix, open a ticket for “ITS-Systems-Administration”.

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