This article contains information about the university's Network Attached Storage (NAS) offerings.
In order to protect the records of the University and comply with NC Department of Cultural Resources requirements for Security Backup Files as Public Records, this service maintains 30 days of security backups. This service is not intended as an archive but provides assurance against loss of records. All retention schedule items present on the services have the same backup plan. This information is provided in compliance with UNC General Records Retention and Disposition Schedule series #7.17
ITS offers a Network Attached Storage (NAS) file service solution. The service is hosted on \\
Departmental Subscription
Departments receive a subsidized space allocation calculated against Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employee count. The departmental allocation is 50GB per FTE. This subsidized allocation will be provided as a block to the departmental group, sub-allocation within the client structure is the responsibility of the departmental groups. All questions regarding use and size of subsidized allocations will be directed to your departmental group IT department. Access is currently limited to the CIFS protocol but will be expanded to other protocols over time. Security and access control lists (ACL’s) are managed via the campus Active Directory implementation. Departments will have the option to purchase additional capacity at the rate of $1.00 per GB billed annually.
Subsidized Allocation Calculation
Total FTEs in a departmental group X 50 GB = Subsidized Allocation
Example: A department with 30 FTEs is allocated 1500GB of data.
The service is hosted on dedicated NAS appliances. The primary appliances are located in the datacenter in ITS Manning. For disaster recovery, the data is mirrored to secondary appliances located in the datacenter in ITS Franklin. The service includes a snapshot technology that allows users to perform their own data restorations via “point in time” copies that are kept in retention for 30 days.
For End Users
Please contact your departmental support group. Access and support is managed at the departmental level with ITS assistance as needed.
For Departmental IT Representatives
Send an email to ITS Systems. If the departmental space has not been configured, ITS will work with you to do the initial configurations. If the space is already established, ITS will assist as needed.
Getting Started
ITS has a collection of help documents for this service.
To find out more details about Secure NAS offerings, please contact the ITS Systems group by emailing ITS Systems, or via the NAS Services Team on Microsoft Teams.