Servers & Storage

Ex: Server Room, SecNAS
Plus other articles that support the operation and management of the IT environment

Articles (7)

Carolina CloudApps: Upgrade / Migrate MySQL or MariaDB

This article covers how upgrade or migrate MySQL and MariaDB.

Getting Started on NAS

This article contains information about the university's Network Attached Storage (NAS) offerings.

NAS / Secure NAS Snapshots and Previous Versions Overview

This article provides an overview of the snapshot and previous versions policy in place on network-attached storage (NAS) and secure network-attached storage (SecNAS) services.


This article contains answers to frequently asked questions in regards to Network Attached Storage (NAS).

Storage Offerings

This article covers the storage offerings provided by the university.

The Campus Network Time Protocol (NTP) Servers

This article covers the servers used to configure devices requiring the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

UNC Red Hat Network Satellite Server Documentation

This article provides directions for the Satellite 6 service