ITS Linux Servers

Service Description

Create an ITS Linux Server

You are requesting the provisioning of a new Linux server. You will see choices for host naming, IP Address, storage mounts, etc. If you are requesting a single host, provide all the information and submit the request.

Modify an Existing Linux Server

Please specify the host short name, domain, and IP address of the server you would like to modify. 

Only modify field values where a change on the server is needed. For example, a host currently has 4 GB of RAM. If you are not requesting that to be modified, leave the field unaltered. If you needed that to change to 8 GB, please specify that.

Decommission or Retire an Existing Linux Server

Please specify the short name, domain, and IP address of the host you wish to decommission/retire. We will release all resources for this host and send a secondary task to the ISO to remove all occurrences of the IP address from the Palo Alto firewall.



Expected Delivery

5 Business Days


RHEL, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Request a New Linux Server Decommission Existing Linux Server Request a Server Modification


Service ID: 123
Tue 6/4/24 4:23 PM
Tue 6/4/24 4:28 PM

Service Offerings (3)

ITS Linux Server - Creation
Create an ITS Linux Server
ITS Linux Server - Decommission
Decommission or retire an ITS Linux server
ITS Linux Server - Modification
Modification of an existing Linux server