Service Description
WordPress web hosting and content management is offered to enterprise customers (i.e. schools, divisions, departments, centers and institutes) at no charge. The service is built on WordPress, a web-publishing system that is flexible, scalable and easy to use. A dedicated project team is available to assist customers. Departmental publishing is managed and supported by ITS Digital Services. Features include:
- Easy-to-use, modern, flexible and powerful platform
- Plugin architecture for web forms, calendars, SEO and much more
- Ability to define different roles for team contributors and editors
- Security scanning
- Cloud-hosted network
- No software to buy or support
- Option to receive assistance with site migration
- Large and growing WordPress community at Carolina
Supported Environments/Services
- WordPress has two environments: Development and Production. Development is an unstable environment used primarily for testing theme/plugin updates prior to deployment and may be offline or wiped without prior notice.
- Supported themes are available for use.
- Supported plugins are available for activation.
- Additional plugins and themes are not currently permitted.
User/Customer Responsibilities
Site owners and contributing users must comply with the standards set by the Information Security Office for storing and publishing data.
Site owners should not publish sensitive data.
Site owners and contributing users are responsible for obtaining all permissions that may be necessary to incorporate works of third parties in their site. Use of such works may be permitted by principles of fair use, consistent with copyright laws (see UNC’s Copyright Policy).
Site owners are responsible for ownership continuity and must ensure that a site has an active UNC affiliated owner.
Site Owners must adhere to The University’s Digital Accessibility Policy and ensure that websites are accessible to everyone. The Digital Accessibility Office offers training sessions on managing accessible website content
Out of Scope
- Subdomain management: Users that wish to use a primary UNC subdomain (ex. must request the domain by submitting a MOU. Digital Services can assist with the actual domain mapping via a Service Request.
- Custom domain management: Any non-UNC domain (e.g. .org or .net) obtained through a third-party domain registrar (e.g. NameCheap, GoDaddy, etc.) is the sole responsibility of the individual site administrators. ITS Digital services is unable to provide support or troubleshooting for issues that arise through domains registered outside of the University's Networking system.
- WordPress at Carolina runs in a shared, managed environment with many themes, plugins and code designed specifically for the Carolina community. For security and stability reasons, we do not allow users to upload custom plugins, themes or custom functionality (i.e. PHP/JavaScript modules).
Expected Delivery
5 Business Days
Digital services,,,, website
Technical Support/ Contact Information
Phone (919) 962-HELP (4357)
Chat: Click the blue speech bubble
Maintenance Schedule
Wednesday mornings 6-10AM for regular maintenance and upgrades
Upgrades with high-risk/impact or high urgency may be completed outside of this window
Hours of Operation