Service Description
Panpoto is a cloud-based video storage and management system developed at Carnegie Mellon University. Instructors can use Panopto to record, upload, edit, and share video content. Students can record and manage their own video content and take advantage of Panopto study tools to interact with course-related videos.
Employees and students
Service Provisioning
- Go to Panopto and select Log In To Panopto. Users need only log in once with their Onyen to activate their University-affiliated Panopto account.
- Review Panopto for Resources, FAQs, Known Issues, and Help with using Panopto at UNC-CH
User/Customer Responsibilities
By adding files to this system, you confirm that your use follows all related University policy and applicable law, particularly with respect to copyright and acceptable use of information technology.
Supported Environments/Services
Panopto runs on Firefox, Chrome, and Edge Chromium browsers. The Safari browser is not currently supported.
Out of Scope
See Panopto for Resources, FAQs, Known Issues, and Help with using Panopto.
Other Info Worth Noting
Support for other video managment systems should be directed to local IT departments or the appropriate vendor.
Note that some academic units may be hosting Panopto sub-accounts that are configured around departmental preferences. If you are affiliated with a professional school, for example, check with your departmental IT staff about how to get started.
Zoom, video, streaming
Technical Support/Contact Information
Phone: (919) 962-HELP (4357)
Chat: Click the blue speech bubble