SOP - Space Request

Office and laboratory spaces are assigned when a new faculty or staff member joins UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy.

  • Requests for additional office and/or laboratory space should only be initiated after consultation with your division chair.  
  • Division chairs are asked to determine whether space already assigned for use within the division can be reassigned to address the request. 
  • You can expect a response from SOP Facilities in 1-2 weeks after submitting a request. 

Space Allocation Guidelines:

Office Space

  • Individual office spaces are assigned to tenure-track faculty members. 
  • Fixed-term faculty with a clinical-teaching focus and those with a focus on research (who have acquired independent, overhead-producing research funding) may be eligible for an individual office, if space is available. 
  • Staff members will be assigned open or closed office space based on position function. 
  • Pharm.D. students, undergraduate students, and/or work-study students are not eligible for space and should be absorbed into existing assigned spaces.  

Lab Space

  • Post-doctoral fellows will be absorbed into existing laboratory space.  
  • Additional dry or wet laboratory space may be requested as faculty PI overhead-producing research funding and the number of paid lab personnel increases. 
  • Likewise, space may be reduced when research funding decreases or ceases.  
SOP - Space Request


Service Offering Id: 183
Mon 6/17/24 10:48 AM
Wed 7/3/24 3:23 PM