Getting Started with ITS WordPress Hosting


ITS Digital Services offers two options for websites hosted on our WordPress Network:

  1. Departmental Publishing for UNC schools, divisions and departments (WordPress Enterprise Hosting).
  2. Self-Service Publishing for students, faculty and staff sites via the network

If your site is hosted on CloudApps, please refer to the CloudApps WordPress QuickStarts article.

All sites hosted on one of ITS Digital Services WordPress environments are subject to our Terms of Service.

Digital Services hosts more than 6,000 websites. While we can offer limited support to WordPress users, we expect site owners to manage their own sites and content. They should have basic digital accessibility and WordPress experience. HTML and CSS knowledge is also preferred.

Digital Accessibility:

UNC takes pride in being an inclusive institution, and our digital content should be inclusive as well. The university maintains a Digital Accessibility Policy to ensure that our websites are accessible to everyone. Anyone working on a website is required to complete Digital Accessibility Training through the Digital Accessibility Office.

File Storage/Media Library

UNC WordPress sites are designed to host publicly accessible information. They are not meant to be used as a document or file repository. For security and storage capacity we limit uploads to the media library primarily to small .png, .jpg, .doc or .pdf files. Most of our hosted sites are limited to 1gb of storage and the maximum upload size allowed for files is 10mb. The restrictions on upload size and on file types are meant as a security measure to keep our hosted platforms working optimally for all users.


ITS Digital Services can help when something is not working correctly on your site or on the network, but we are unable to provide individual training.

Reference Materials

  • has simple HTML and CSS tutorials and reference guides.
  • UNC Libraries’ Website Design Guide provides resources to help you with getting started with your WordPress site.

Office Hours

If you need help getting something to ‘look right’ on your site or have basic HTML or CSS questions, support is available only during Digital Services’ twice weekly office hours. You can sign up for a 15-minute WordPress consult.

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