ITS WordPress: Custom Domain Names


If your website is hosted on an ITS WordPress Network ( or you may want to create an alternative domain. You can request a “” subdomain or in some unique situations, you may want a non-UNC domain such as a .org or .com for your website.

Option 1: “” could map to “”

Option 2, “” could map to “”


Option 1: * subdomain instructions

Step 1: Request a * subdomain:

A (also referred to as * subdomain represents the highest level in the UNC.EDU namespace and has substantial reputational implications for the University. If you create a university-sponsored website, you may wish to request a * subdomain. See requirements for a subdomain

Step 2: Request to have your domain added to your website.

After you have successfully requested your domain, you will need to Submit a Request with ITS-WordPress to setup your domain with your website.

Option 2: non-unc domain instructions

Step 1: Request a custom domain:

To acquire a non-UNC domain (i.e.,, etc.) you’ll need to buy it through an outside domain provider such as GoDaddy or Network Solutions. UNC will support hosting ‘non-UNC.EDU’ domains if these websites are created for university related work. See requirement for registering a non-UNC domain

Step 2: Request to have your domain added to your website.

After you have successfully requested your domain, you will need to Submit a Request with ITS-WordPress to setup your domain with your website.

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Article ID: 292
Wed 7/3/24 3:22 PM
Wed 7/3/24 4:01 PM