WordPress: Add iFrames and Embed Content

The WordPress iFrame plugin allows you to add iframes and embed content onto your site. It is an automatically activated plugin on tarheels.live, web.unc.edu and sites.unc.edu networks.

Adding iframes can introduce accessibility barriers to your website. Use iframes and embedded content sparingly. You must include a title attribute that summarizes the visual content to help users of screen readers understand the iframe's purpose. Reach out to the Digital Accessibility Office for more guidance.


Example Code: [iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4qsGTXLnmKs" width="100%" height="500″ title=“brief description of video’s content”]

If using the Block Editor/Gutenberg choose the Shortcode block to insert your iFrame code.


Related Articles

To learn more about embedding content onto your WordPress website, visit the Iframe plugin website.

To learn more about accessible iframes, see WebAIM's Inline Frame (iframe) Accessibility article.

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Article ID: 293
Wed 7/3/24 4:14 PM
Wed 7/3/24 5:15 PM