TeamDynamix: TDX Integration with xMatters (Incident and Major Incident)

Tags xMatters

This article provides guidance to all TeamDynamix (TDX) agents handling tickets assigned to responsible groups configured for xMatters.


Important Notes


Alerts Triggered by Agents

This table outlines the actions and conditions by which an agent triggers xMatters alerts.

Conditions / Actions Outcome
New ticket created with Priority as High or Emergency and status not Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled
  • Trigger xMatters alert for Responsible group
  • Set status to "Open"
Existing ticket's Priority upgraded to High or Emergency and status not Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled
  • Trigger new xMatters alert for Responsible group
  • Set status to "Open"
Responsible group changes with Priority as High or Emergency and status not Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled
  • Terminate xMatters alert for original group
  • Trigger new alert for new Responsible group
  • Set status to "Open"


Alerts Acknowledged or Cancelled by Agents

This table outlines the actions and conditions by which an agent acknowledges or cancels xMatters alerts.

Conditions / Actions Outcome
Priority of ticket downgraded from High or Emergency and status not Resolved, Closed, or Cancelled
  • Terminate xMatters alert
Member of Responsible group acknowledges ticket from xMatters client, or agent changes status to "In Process"
  • Terminate xMatters alert
  • Update feed with "Ticket acknowledged by agent (full name, onyen)"


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Article ID: 328
Tue 7/9/24 8:04 AM
Mon 9/16/24 11:38 AM