Administrative & Business

Ex: Finance, HR, ConnectCarolina, Pay Invoice
Plus other articles that support finance, HR, procurement, student information systems, and other administrative areas.

Categories (1)


Articles that support the operations of the customer support tool environment.

Articles (7)

ConnectCarolina: Access W2's

This article provides information for faculty, staff, and students on how to access their W2 forms.

ConnectCarolina: Finding Help Resources

ConnectCarolina is a fully integrated administrative system for student systems, HR, payroll and finance at UNC-Chapel Hill. This article presents resources and support for many things you do in ConnectCarolina.

ConnectCarolina: Links/Buttons Not Working in Chrome

This article provides steps to resolve the issue of links and buttons not working when accessing ConnectCarolina via Chrome.

Data Governance: Sensitive Information Guide

This article provides guidelines on sensitive information for TDX users.

OnCore Calendar: Protocol Shell Build

This help article describes the protocol shell build diagram for OnCore Calendar Amendment. Use this diagram as a reference to confirm your protocol shell was built correctly.