TeamDynamix: Get Started with Reports and Desktops

This self-help guide is for TeamDynamix (TDX) Agents who have reporting permissions in TDNext. It covers how to use and create reports and desktops (dashboards).


In This Article:


Use Existing Reports

Watch this Reporting Overview. It guides you on how to navigate to reports, find pre-built reports, run existing reports, and copy them.


Reference Reports

The TeamDynamix Admins have created Reference Reports for anyone to use. You can run, copy, customize, or add these reports to your desktops. There are two categories of these reference reports.

  • The 'My ...' reference reports useful for agents to view individual work and they are in the Reference Reports for Agents report folder in TDNext.
  • The 'Group(s) ...' reference reports are useful to view group work and they are in the Reference Reports for Group report folder in TDNext.

Accessing Reference Reports

  1. Go to TDNext, click the Applications Menu (the blue waffle icon), and select the Tickets application if you are not already there.
  2. Click Reports  in the top menu bar. The Reports page appears listing all the available report folders and reports.
  3. In the search box, enter my or group keyword
  4. Click Search button above the Search box.
  1. Click the report's Name to access it. The page refreshes and will be blank except for the report option buttons at the top.
  2. Click the Run Report button to see the results, or click the Actions button then Copy to make a copy of the report that you can customize.


Create New Reports

Watch these videos to learn the steps involved in creating and customizing reports. These videos cover how to add and remove columns, build filter conditions, set share permissions, manage report visibility, and schedule email delivery of report results.


Share Existing Reports

Report owners can share their reports with both groups and individual agents.

  1. Login to TDNext
  2. Click the Tickets tab.
  3. Click on Reports () from the menu bar.
  4. Search for or scroll through to find the report you wish to share.
  5. Click the report title in the Name column to open it.
  6. Click the Actions button and choose Edit from the drop-down menu.
  7. Scroll down to the Visibility section.
  8. Choose the radio button for Owner and these People/Groups. A text box will appear.

  1. Enter the name of the group or individual(s) you want to share the report with.
  2. Click Save to apply the changes.


Use Existing Desktops

You can use any available desktop. The TeamDynamix Admins have created reference desktops that provide insights into tickets and ticket task assignments, including their statuses, priorities, and updates. The two reference desktops are:

  • Reference Desktop for Agents: Designed to assist agents in viewing their work.
  • Reference Desktop for Groups: Designed for viewing group work.


Accessing Reference Desktops:

  1. If you're not already there, navigate to TDNext.
  2. On the Desktop tab, click the drop-down menu at the top-left.
  3. From the list, select your desired Reference Desktop.


Create New Desktops

Watch the Creating and Editing Desktops video to learn the steps required to create new desktops. This video explains how to select desktop layouts and add reports to them. You can add reports to a desktop that you have created, as well as to those that have been shared with you.


Share Desktops

The goal of shared desktops is to ensure all group members have access to the same information. You can achieve this through one of the following approaches:


Option 1: Steps to Share a Desktop via Support Ticket

You can ask the ITS-TeamDynamix team to create shared desktops for your team, as it requires admin level access on the platform. Here is how it works:

  1. Create a sample local desktop
  2. Add the reports you have selected or created to the desktop layout of your choice.
  3. Take Screenshot of the local sample desktop you created. See a sample screenshot below.

  1. Submit a Support Ticket: Create a support ticket for the ITS-TeamDynamix team and include the following information:
  • Attach the screenshots.
  • Provide a name for the desktop. Include your department and or group name or initials such as SOM - xxxx, etc. to the desktop name.
  • Provide the names and Onyens of those you want to share the desktop with, or the Responsible group name if you want to share the desktop with all members of the group.
  • Specify if you would like to set this desktop as default.


Option 2: Steps to “Share” a Desktop by Yourself

You can ensure your group members' desktops display the same reports without creating a support ticket. Here is how it works:

  1. Select Reports: Choose the reports to add to the desktop. You can select from pre-built reports, reports shared with your team, or create new reports for your team.
  2. Name the Desktop: Decide on a name for the desktop.
  3. Select Desktop Layout: Choose the desired desktop layout.
  4. Notify your Agents: Inform your team members about the selected reports, desktop name, and desktop layout.
  5. Create Individual Desktops: Each team member can create their own desktop and add the pre-selected reports to it.

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Article ID: 66
Mon 5/20/24 2:58 PM
Sat 9/14/24 9:12 AM