Microsoft 365 Email Setup: macOS Apple Mail

This article covers the steps to set up Microsoft 365 email and calendar on macOS using Apple Mail.

  1. Within Apple Mail, click the Mail option at the top-left of the Menu bar, then select Add Account

  1. Select Microsoft Exchange for the account provider and click Continue

  1. Enter your email address in the format and click Sign in

  1. Click Sign in again on the next screen that will appear
  2. You should be taken to a Microsoft sign in window. Enter your Onyen password and click Sign in, then complete 2-step verification

  1. Once the sign in is complete, a window should appear, asking which items you would like to synchronize with your Microsoft 365 account.
  2. Keeping Calendars checked will also sync your UNC calendars with the native Calendar app.

  1. Click Done after making your selections, and your UNC account should start syncing into Apple Mail and Calendar.

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