UNC Research Data Management Core

Service Description

The Research Data Management Core (RDMC) provides guidance and support to researchers on complying with funding agency data sharing policies and requirements.

Researchers may request a data management and sharing plan review, consult with our experts on data management best practices and standards, ask questions about data management activities such as preparing data for sharing, ethical and legal considerations for sharing data, selecting and depositing data in a trustworthy data repository, and using data management tools and repository platforms such as DMPTool or UNC Dataverse.

Please submit all requests through the RDMC Help Center. Our staff will respond as soon as possible to your request.


RDMC support is available to all UNC faculty, students, and staff.


The RDMC Help Center permits faculty, students, and staff to submit requests via specific portals. If you require assistance with general data management questions, please submit your request through the General Data Management Support portal. If you would like to submit a request for a data management and sharing plan review, please submit your request through the DMSP Review Requests portal. If you need help with UNC Dataverse, please submit your request through the UNC Dataverse Support portal.

Please note that more request options will be made available in the future as RDMC ramps up its operations to serve the larger UNC research community.


Research Data Management Core – The main RDMC website which describes the necessary components and considerations for planning for data management activities for funded research.

DMPTool – Guidance for using the DMPTool to write and share your data management and sharing plan for review with RDMC.

UNC Dataverse – Guidance on UNC Dataverse, a trustworthy data repository for sharing and preserving research data in compliance with funding agency requirements and FAIR Guiding Principles.

Research Data Management Knowledge Base – A knowledge base of information related to data management and sharing activities from planning to preserving and sharing data. (Note: This resource is being updated regularly, please check back for new information).

Related Services

ITS Storage Offerings - ITS offers a large array of storage offerings for research and sensitive data needs.

UNC IRB - The Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) is responsible for ethical and regulatory oversight of research at UNC-Chapel Hill that involves human subjects. The OHRE administers, supports, and guides the work of the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and all related activities. Any research involving human subjects proposed by faculty, staff, or students must be reviewed and approved by an IRB before research may begin, and before related grants may be funded.

Data Use Agreements - The Industry and Non-Industry Contracting team in the Office of Sponsored Programs is responsible for reviewing and executing agreements with industry for sponsored projects, including sponsored research and clinical trial agreements. The team is also responsible for all (industry, federal, non-profit) data use/transfer and research confidentiality agreements as well as other unfunded agreements to support UNC’s research community.

Expected Delivery

Varies by project


repositories, plans

Help Center


Service ID: 225
Tue 8/6/24 8:55 AM
Tue 8/6/24 11:33 AM