TeamDynamix: Use Search Operators in Portal Search

All users can use these search operators when searching for Services and Knowledge articles.

Search Bar Operators

You can use the following search operators in the Client Portal's main search bar to perform full search.

  • AND: Requires that both terms are included in the results. For example, cats AND dogs will find results including both cats and dogs.
  • NOT: Requires that the term after NOT is not included in the results. For example, cats NOT dogs will find results including cats and exclude all results that include dogs.
  • OR: Allows results where either term is included. For example, cats OR dogs will find results with either term. As the OR operator is the default search operator, the previous example would be equivalent to searching for cats dogs.
  • "": Requires that the exact phrase is included in the results. For example "cats and dogs" will search for results including the exact phrase "cats and dogs".
  • #: Searches for a tag, in areas that support tags. For example, #animals will search for articles that are tagged with the animals tag.

To know more about search operators and search result prioritization, visit the official documentation of TeamDynamix (requires login).


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Mon 4/1/24 11:40 AM
Tue 9/10/24 3:15 PM