Zoom: Use in General Purpose Classrooms

Tags Zoom

Many instructors will be teaching classes that have students physically present in a general purpose classroom with them, and also joining via Zoom from remote locations. This article will cover how to set up a class that has simultaneous remote and in-person learners (Mode 2, or In-Person On-Campus + Remote Learners).

Before You Begin

This article assumes a working knowledge of both Zoom, and General Purpose Classroom technology.

  • For help with Zoom, please visit the UNC ITS Zoom site.
  • For help with General Purpose Classroom technology, please visit the ITS Classroom Hotline’s site, or, if in a classroom, pick up the Hotline phone, which will dial directly to our tech support team.

In This Article:


Preparing for the Class

Well before your class, log in to Zoom. Set up your class on Zoom using a recurring meeting, and communicate to all students in the class the relevant information for joining the meeting.

Once physically present in the classroom, log in to the classroom’s in-house PC with your onyen and password, and log in to Zoom using the SSO. Once you’ve logged in to Zoom once, it should stay logged in once you log back in to the classroom PC.

If your room is equipped with permanently installed cameras on the wall and microphones for web conferencing, navigate to the camera control page from the AV Main Menu by pressing Select Camera


Then, adjust the pan, tilt, and zoom of each camera as needed

Exit back to the AV Main Menu by pressing Exit in the upper right corner of the camera control page.

If your room is not equipped with cameras and microphones, you can still hold an effective web conference by using the document camera in the room as a camera and microphone. If the document camera has been turned off (indicated by a red light on the console) press the power button, and after about 30 seconds, the light will turn green, indicating it is fully powered on.

Join your recurring class meeting through your meeting list, and ensure that AV Bridge is the selected camera if your room has permanently installed cameras. If you're using the document camera, select AVer USB Camera, and adjust the moveable arm of the document camera to display whichever portion of your classroom suits your needs. If needed, rotate the camera image either by using the Rotate button on the document camera's remote control, or click the rotate icon in the upper right of the video settings menu.

Speaker and microphone settings may vary by room, so feel free to test and adjust the different options available, until you hear good quality sound in the room, and see the microphone meter on Zoom's settings menu respond to your voice. In most rooms, the correct speaker setting will begin with DVX or DGX, but these settings may be different, depending on your classroom. If your room is equipped with sound-reinforcing lapel or handheld microphones, or ceiling microphones (which do not reinforce sound within the room, but can be heard by webconference participants) they will be routed into the PC, and will be listed under the microphone options as either TesiraForte, AV Bridge, or a device that begins with HDL. The document camera will be listed under USB Audio Capture (2 - AVer USB Audio). If the document camera does not appear to be responding to sounds within the room, uncheck Automatically adjust microphone level, slide the microphone level meter to about 75% of the way up (to the right) and then re-check Automatically adjust microphone level.

Share your screen as needed with your class, and present class material from a flash drive or online resources, being sure that Share Sound is checked if remote students need to hear audio resources.


Presenting From Your Laptop or Mobile Device

Well before your class, log in the Zoom web client and find the recurring meeting for your class, and click Edit. Under Security, uncheck Require authentication to join. We recommend using both a passcode and waiting room in this situation:

Log in to Zoom from your laptop or mobile device, and follow the instructions below according to which device you are using


Joining From a Laptop

Because Zoom only allows a user to join a meeting from one of each type of device (only one computer, one tablet, and one phone at a time,) you’ll need to join the meeting without logging in to your UNC Zoom account. In order to be able to join the meeting from a computer that is not logged in to a Zoom account, you will need to ensure that your security settings for the meeting have Require authentication to join turned off. Please note that either a passcode or a waiting room will need to be applied to the meeting, per UNC policy.

On your laptop, open Zoom, and log out of your UNC account (if logged in.) Then, log in to Zoom and begin the meeting on the in-house PC (see the above instructions.) Then, back on your laptop, join the meeting by clicking the Join a Meeting icon, and enter in the 11-digit meeting ID, which can be found either in your upcoming meetings on unc.zoom.us, or by clicking Participants and then Invite on the Zoom meeting that is running on the in-house PC. The meeting ID will be the number next to Invite people to join meeting at the top of the pop-up window:

When joining the meeting on your laptop, under Your Name type something like “*Your Name* Laptop”, or something to distinguish between your device and the in-house PC. Enter the passcode (if enabled), and join with or without video, at your discretion.

Moving back to the in-house PC, your device should come in to the meeting with your name, but be placed in a waiting room. Admit the device into the meeting via the Participants list. Then, while hovering your mouse over that device’s name, click More> and select Make Co-Host.

This will enable you to share your screen from your laptop, while taking advantage of the high quality microphones and cameras available in the classroom for audio and video.


Joining From Phones, Tablets, and Other Mobile Devices

Open Zoom on your device, and join the meeting by clicking the Join a Meeting icon, and enter in the 11-digit meeting ID, which can be found either in your upcoming meetings on unc.zoom.us, or by clicking Participants and then Invite on the Zoom meeting that is running on the in-house PC. The meeting ID will be the number next to Invite people to join meeting at the top of the pop-up window:

When joining the meeting on your phone, under Your Name type something like “*Your Name* Phone” or something to distinguish that device from the in-house PC. Enter the passcode, if prompted.

Moving back to the in-house PC, your device should come in to the meeting with your name, but be placed in a waiting room. Admit the device into the meeting via the Participants list. Then, while hovering your mouse over that device’s name, click More> and select Make Co-Host.

This will enable you to share your screen from your device, while taking advantage of the high quality microphones and cameras available in the classroom for audio and video.


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Article ID: 64
Thu 5/16/24 9:39 AM
Sat 6/15/24 12:55 PM