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This article describes how to log into the Zoom Meeting Client with the UNC SSO (single-sign-on), and how to ensure you remain logged in to your licensed account.
This article contains information for faculty/Staff/Students on how to switch between Zoom HIPAA and non-HIPAA subaccounts.
This article provides the phone numbers that participants in UNC Zoom meetings can use to dial into meetings or webinars.
This article covers enabling and utilizing Zoom’s self-select breakout room feature. This feature enables participants to select which breakout room they’d like to move to, allowing them to choose their own group for breakout discussions or assignments. This will also allow users who temporarily lose connection to a Zoom meeting to quickly re-join their breakout room, without intervention from the host.
This article describes the process of getting a usage report (or list of meeting participants) for your completed meetings. This can be used as an attendance log for a class.
Following the guidelines below will help you improve your online class experience, and that of your instructors and classmates.
This article compares Zoom Meetings and Webinars. All current faculty, staff, and students can host Zoom Meetings with a maximum of 300 participants, which includes those hosting the meeting.
This document offers ways to improve your Zoom experience if the video or audio becomes choppy or distorted.
The content of this article applies to UNC users associated with the primary UNC Zoom account (not a sub-account).
This article is a list of frequently asked questions about Zoom. For more help and a more complete FAQ, please see ITS Educational Technology's Zoom page.
Many instructors will be teaching classes that have students physically present in a general purpose classroom with them, and also joining via Zoom from remote locations. This article will cover how to set up a class that has simultaneous remote and in-person learners (Mode 2, or In-Person On-Campus + Remote Learners).