TDX Knowledge: Get Started with Knowledge Articles

The "Creating New Articles" and "Updating Existing Articles" sections of this article are currently accessible only to the Knowledge Pilot team. Other article owners must submit tickets to request new articles or updates to existing ones. These sections are expected be available to all article owners by November 2024.


This knowledge article guides TeamDynamix (TDX) Agents with the Knowledge Candidate role on how to create, update, renew, address feedback, and monitor their articles in the Knowledge Base.

Before You Begin


In This Article:


Creating New Articles

  1. Log in to the Client Portal and navigate to Knowledge Base
  2. Click +New Article button. The new article form appears.
  3. Search and select a Category for the article.
  4. Skip the Order field, leave 1.0 in it.
  5. Skip the Pin Article field, leave it unchecked.
  6. Enter the article Subject (title) in accordance with the Article Title Guidelines.
  7. In the Body text box, enter the article's scope statement in accordance with the Article Scope Statement Guidelines.
  1. In the Article Summary text box, copy the scope statement from the article's Body text box.
  2. Enter the Tags in accordance with the Article Keywords or Tags Guidelines.
  3. Ensure Notify Owner on Feedback is unchecked. 
  4. Select Article Owner Group from the drop-down.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Follow the instructions in the Updating Existing Article section to add the article content and configure settings.


Updating Existing Articles

Access the Article

  1. Ensure you are logged to the Client Portal then navigate to the Knowledge Base.
  2. Click My Articles and Search for the article of interest.
  3. Select the article title to view it, then click the Edit Article button.

Modify Body Content

  1. Modify the content in the article's Body in accordance with with the Article Writing Guidelines.
  2. Ensure that elements such as the table of contents (TOC), headings, links, lists, and images adhere to the Article Formatting and Organizing Guidelines.

Modify Additional Options

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab to modify the article's category, title, summary, tags, or ownership.
  2. Navigate to the Permissions tab to change the article's visibility.
  • To set internal visibility:
    1. Uncheck both the Inherit Permissions and Public checkboxes.
    2. Select the Allow all individuals to view this article EXCEPT the associated groups below radio button and leave the Add Group textbox empty.
  • To set restricted visibility:
    1. Uncheck both the Inherit Permissions and Public checkboxes.
    2. Choose the appropriate radio button under Article Permissions to either allow or restrict visibility for specific Responsible groups.
  1. Navigate to the appropriate tab (Related Articles, Related Services, or Files) to add or remove related resources from your article.

Submit Article Updates

  1. Submit your updates for review and publish
  • For articles already submitted for approval or published:
    • Click Save as Draft.
  • For articles being submitted for approval for the first time:
  1. Click Update Article.
  2. Navigate to Knowledge Base > My Articles.
  3. Search for the article then click the article title.
  4. Click Submit Article.

What's next? A designated member of the TeamDynamix Admin team will review the submitted article to ensure it complies with the Article Style Guidelines. The review turnaround time depends on the content's length and the draft's quality. If the article is rejected, you will be notified and can resubmit after making the suggested changes. If the article is approved, it will be published and remain live for six months.


Submitting Article Renewals

All articles must be reviewed for currency and accuracy. The default frequency for periodic article review is every six months from the article’s creation or last review date. The Article’s Next Review Date signifies the duration for which the articles will remain published (live).

As an article owner, you will receive an "Article Review Due" email notification 30 days before the article's next review date. You can submit article reviews at any time before they are due to reset the review date for another period.


  1. Click My Articles Renewal Due in 30 Days to list the articles needing a review/renewal.
  2. When the report page opens in a new tab, click the Run Report button.
  1. Click the Title (in Subject column) to open the article.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the article.
  3. Click Yes button of the Was This Helpful.
  4. In the Comments box, enter “Article reviewed, extend next review date” of something along the lines that indicates you still would like to keep this article in the Knowledge Base.

What's next? A designated member of the TeamDynamix Admin team will review the article to ensure it complies with the Article Style Guidelines. You will be notified if any action is needed. Otherwise, the article's next review date will be reset for another six-month period.


Addressing Article Feedback

Timely addressing feedback is essential way to keep Knowledge articles up to date.

Authenticated users can leave feedback on articles they can view. When feedback is submitted for your articles, support tickets are created for you with the feedback submitter as the Requester and their feedback in the Description field.

Upon receiving feedback tickets, follow these steps:

  1. Update the article if the feedback includes relevant suggestions or corrections.
  2. Respond to the submitter to thank them for their feedback and inform them of any actions taken (or not taken) to address it.
  3. Resolve the incident according to your team's standard process.


Monitoring Articles

You can monitor your articles by running the pre-built Knowledge Reference Reports. These reports provide information on article usage, visibility, next renewal date, category, and ownership. You can sort these reports by any column for better analysis. There are two types of Knowledge Reference Reports:

  • The My ... reports are useful for agents to see the articles they own.
  • The Group ... reports are useful to see the articles owned by a group.


Knowledge Reference Reports



Running Knowledge Reference Reports

To run the Knowledge Reference Reports: 

  1. Click on the desired report's link
  2. When the report page opens in a new tab, click the Run Report button.


Gen-AI was used to edit parts of this article.


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Article ID: 90
Sun 6/2/24 1:45 PM
Mon 9/16/24 3:17 PM