Zoom: Tips for Attending Classes on Zoom

Tags Zoom

Following the guidelines below will help you improve your online class experience, and that of your instructors and classmates.

In This Article:

  • Before Class
    • Update or Install Zoom on Your Computer
    • Setup Your Space
    • Get Familiar with Zoom
      • Join a Practice Session
      • Learn about Accessibility Features
      • Check Your Time Zone
      • Come to Class Early
  • During Class
    • Mute Your Mic
    • Think Before You Write of Speak
    • Use Reactions and Chat Participate
  • Attend Zoom Meetings on Your Mobile Phone


Before Class

Update or Install Zoom on Your Computer

  • Install the Zoom client on your PC or Mac, and/or add the Zoom app to your mobile device. When prompted to log in, select Sign in with SSO.
  • If you installed Zoom before October 2020, open Zoom, click your profile and select Check for Updates.


Setup Your Space

When attending an online class, you should work in a physical space that will allow you to focus on the class and participate without distracting your classmates and instructor(s).

  • Work in a quiet room, with minimal background noise and distractions.
  • Connect a webcam to your computer so you can share your camera if needed.
  • Use a good microphone. A noise-cancelling headset is recommended.


Get Familiar with Zoom

Join a Practice Session

Before class, join a Zoom test session to test your audio and webcam, and familiarize yourself with the chat and other controls. If your audio or video seems choppy, visit our Improve your Zoom connection guide for tips.


Learn About Accessibility Features

If you use a keyboard only, screen reader, or other assistive technology when navigating the web, learn about Zoom's accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts.


Check Your Time Zone

If you will be accessing your online classes from a location in a different time zone than Eastern Time:

  1. Access the Online Meetings tool in one of your course sites.
  2. If the time zone is incorrect, select the Edit (pencil) icon to the right of Your current Time Zone.
  3. In the window that pops up, select the correct Time Zone.
  4. Select Update.


Come to Class Early

Be prepared to join class a few minutes before it starts so you can make sure your audio and video are working.


During Class

Mute Your Mic

Whenever you're not talking, keep your microphone muted so as not to add background noise.

  • When you have been given permission to speak, select the Unmute button, type Alt + A on your keyboard to unmute, or use the Push to Talk option.


Think Before You Write or Speak

Although you may not see everyone's faces the entire time during an online class, keep in mind that you should show the same respect to your instructors and peers that you do in an in-person class. Chatspeak or other informal language that you might use when communicating online with friends may not be appropriate in a classroom context.

Your instructor may provide additional guidelines for online class etiquette. Be sure to review and follow these guidelines.


Use Reactions and Chat to Participate

Use reactions, including the raise hand, yes, no, go slower, and go faster buttons to engage with your class.

When you need to ask a question live, use the raise hand option and/or send a chat message to request permission to speak.


Attend Zoom Meetings on Your Mobile Phone

It’s not necessary to have or use a computer to join or host a Zoom meeting – Zoom offers easy-to-use mobile phone applications! Simply download the “Zoom” app from the Apple or Android app store.

Additionally, Zoom provides step-by-step instructions for utilizing the mobile apps:

If you believe your Zoom meetings may be affected by your Internet connection, please take a look at Zoom's guide to improve your Zoom experience on different Internet speeds.

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Article ID: 52
Wed 5/8/24 2:13 PM
Sat 6/15/24 1:15 PM

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