Zoom: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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This article is a list of frequently asked questions about Zoom.


How do I login to a Meeting Client with UNC SSO?

Step-by-step instructions for accessing Zoom that are applicable to all UNC Zoom users are included in the help article Zoom: Log into the Meeting Client with UNC SSO.

Do you have any guidance for students transitioning to online classes?

Yes! Tips for Attending Classes on Zoom is packed with information students can use to get ready for online classes.

I have slow Internet, is there anything I can do to improve my Zoom experience?

Yes, read help article Improve Your Zoom Connection for several tips to Zoom successfully even with a slow Internet connection.

After I log in, how do I schedule a Zoom meeting?

Please view this quick one-minute video for a walk through of scheduling a meeting. 

How do I add toll-free numbers to my Zoom meeting and invites?

As a default, UNC does not enable toll-free calling for all Zoom users, but this can be enabled for individual users as needed. Please contact zoom@unc.edu to discuss your needs.

How do I record the meeting?

Please view this quick one-minute video for a walk through of recording a meeting. We suggest you record the meeting to the cloud. Your cloud recordings are saved to My Recordings - Zoom, where they will remain for 30 days after your meeting. Click the Share button next to a recording to see the options for sharing that recording.

Where can I get help resources for Zoom?

  • Zoom’s Host and Co-Host Controls in a Meeting guide reviews the menu and most of the functions you will need to know. Also, Zoom has a robust help center where you can search for detailed instructions and troubleshooting or you can browse by topic. They even have short, one minute training videos on the most common things you can do in Zoom. Here are some of the most commonly handled issues and Zoom's guides to help you solve them. 

My Video/Camera Isn’t Working

Is helpful for:

Students and Instructors who are unable to see the instructor's webcam (if shared) or be seen.

Instructors who are unable to be seen by students.

Testing Computer or Device Audio

Is helpful for:

Students and instructors unable to hear others or be heard.

Attendee Controls in a Meeting -including mute and unmute

Is helpful for:

Instructors who need to Mute All to control background noise, but then unmute as needed if they want students to be able to speak.

Students who cannot be heard or whose microphones are transmitting background noise.

Audio Echo in a Meeting

Is helpful for:

Instructors with students whose microphones are causing an echo.

Sharing Your Screen

Instructors who want to share their screen.

Using annotation tools on a shared screen or whiteboard

Is helpful for:

Instructors who want to annotate their slides. 

Do I have to use a computer?

No. Zoom runs on multiple devices – including mobile phones and tablets. In fact, one great way to practice managing a Zoom meeting is to launch the meeting on one device and then sign into that meeting from a second device. Remember to mute one of them though - or you'll get audio feedback. If you want to annotate during a meeting, you can present from your computer and annotate from your mobile device.

How many individuals can participate in a UNC Zoom meeting?

Up to 300 participants can participate in a standard UNC Zoom Meeting, including hosts. Contact zoom@unc.edu if you have a need to accommodate a larger number of participants.

How do I control access to a Zoom meeting?

When you schedule or edit a meeting, you can require registration or require a meeting password. You can edit any meeting and check Enable Waiting Room to admit people individually to your meeting, alternatively you can Admit All with a single click. 

For more recommendations, please refer to Zoom's suggestions for securing meetings.

How can I tell who came to my meeting?

Zoom can create a report showing who attended a particular Zoom meeting.  Go to Active Host Report - Zoom, search for a meeting within a one month window, and then click on that meeting’s number of participants in the Participants column. The report is hidden, therefore you can only access it if you know the link: Active Host Report - Zoom.

I'd like to use additional Zoom features that aren't enabled for my user account.

Zoom has several useful built-in features that are turned off by default. To enable them, log in to My Settings - Zoom and click the toggle to turn them from grey to green. You only need to do this once for each feature. Two examples of features you can turn on are Polling and Waiting Room. If you are interested in using a Zoom feature that you cannot enable for your account, contact your School or Department's local IT support.


Once you have enabled polling in your Zoom account, you can add poll questions before the meeting begins or you can manually create poll questions during the meeting.  You can only create a maximum of 25 polls for a single meeting.

Waiting Room

To have a waiting room added to all of your meetings, you can turn on the waiting room for your Zoom account. However, if you just want a waiting room for a specific meeting there is no need to enable the feature. You can edit the specific meeting you want to have a waiting room for and click Enable Waiting Room

Breakout Rooms

Once you have enabled breakout rooms in your Zoom account, you can either pre-assign students to breakout rooms before class begins or manually create breakout rooms and assign students to them during class.  Zoom’s Managing Video Breakout Rooms guide will show you how to create breakout rooms, assign students to rooms, manage breakout rooms, broadcast a message to your breakout rooms, and end a breakout room session.

Breakout do have their limitations though. There is no way to pre-populate your breakout rooms with content or instructions before class begins.  In addition, when your class meeting ends the breakout rooms that you create in Zoom disappear and will not appear in your next class meeting.  Unfortunately, we are not aware of any workaround for these issues.

What is the difference between Meetings and Webinars?

Please visit the article Zoom: Compare Meetings and Webinars. 

I have more than one Zoom account and would like to merge them.

Visit the Help site. Submit a ticket so that we can provide you targeted tech support.

What is the difference between the web and desktop clients? 

The web client (i.e. the website accessible from unc.zoom.us) is better suited to adjusting settings, scheduling meetings, and managing recordings. The desktop client (i.e. the app you put on your computer’s desktop or mobile device) is better suited for joining and hosting meetings. For a full comparison of the features available to each, please consult this page from Zoom support

Is there a way to avoid changing the settings every time I create a meeting?  

You can set up a meeting template that you can use when creating meetings.  Instructions for setting up a template can be found on the Zoom support page.  

Can you disable private chat?   

You can’t disable private chat when setting up the meeting, but you can once you’re in the Zoom meeting.  You can find the instructions for controlling the meeting chat on the Zoom support page.   

If I have a DVD but it is not downloaded on my computer, can I play it on my computer and have everyone see it?

Unfortunately, due to copyright laws, you cannot play a DVD that is not downloaded to your computer. It will appear as nothing more than a black screen to your meeting’s participants. Zoom can only show video clips from the web (e.g. YouTube) and files that are saved to the device from which you are presenting. 

I’d like to change the name associated with my account, without having to constantly change it within the participant list in each meeting. How can I do this? 

Yes, you can customize many aspects of your profile to fit your needs, including your name, profile picture, department, and contact information. 

I’m trying to designate an alternative host for my meeting, but it says their email is not in my Zoom account. How can I fix this? 

First, make sure you are entering the person's onyen@email.unc.edu address. onyen@live.unc.edu, alias@unc.edu, or any other email address will not be recognized as a valid email. If you’re sure you have the correct onyen@email.unc.edu address, it’s likely that you and the intended alternative host are in different sub-accounts. Some users will be in either a departmentally-managed sub-account (e.g. professional schools, research centers, etc.) or in a collective HIPAA-protected sub-account (e.g. School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, etc.) If it’s essential for a person to be designated as an alternative host, please contact zoom@unc.edu, and we can identify which sub-accounts you and/or the users belong to, and work towards getting you both on the same account. 

I’m trying to join a meeting a meeting, but get a message that says “This meeting is for authorized attendees only.” Why is this happening, and how can I get in to the meeting? 

It’s likely that the host created a meeting that is restricted to authenticated UNC users only. To get in, you’ll need to log into the Meeting Client with UNC SSO Zoom Account.

Why do I not have the ability to record to the cloud? 

There are two potential reasons:  

First, you may not be logged in to your licensed UNC Zoom account. Non-licensed Zoom accounts don’t allow cloud recording. 

Second, it’s possible that your settings haven’t been configured to allow cloud recording. To check, go to unc.zoom.us, click “Sign in”, enter your onyen and password, click on “Settings” on the left, and then “Recording” near the top. Make sure your cloud recording is enabled. If you do not have the option to change the setting to allow for cloud recording, it’s likely that your account is controlled by a departmental sub-account that does not allow for cloud recording. Some departments, in order to ensure compliance with privacy laws, do not allow their users to record to the cloud. If this applies to you, but you need to at least have the option to use cloud recording, please contact the help desk, and we can begin the process to move you to a cloud recording-enabled account. 

Why can I not hold a meeting for more than 40 minutes at a time? 

You may not be logging in to your authenticated, licensed account. Follow these steps to get logged in to your licensed UNC account, which will allow for meetings of up to 24 hours. 

It’s been several hours since my meeting ended, but my cloud recording (or transcripts) are still unavailable. Is this normal? 

Cloud recording processing time can vary greatly, depending on your recording settings, meeting length, and Zoom’s current cloud recording capabilities. Most recordings for typical one hour meeting are available within an hour or two after ending the meeting, but it can range from a few minutes to a few days, in extreme cases. Transcripts typically take longer than the recordings themselves. If it’s been more than 24 hours since your meeting ended and your recording or transcripts are still unavailable, please contact the help desk. 

I’m getting odd errors with Zoom when trying to join meetings, or randomly kicked out of meetings, and the problem is definitely not my Internet connection. Are there larger issues with Zoom as a whole? 

It’s certainly possible. Please check Zoom Status to see if there are currently any wide-ranging problems with Zoom. 

How do I create a webinar? 

UNC Zoom users, by default, do not have the ability to host webinars. ITS has a limited number of webinar licenses available for use upon request. Please contact UNC Zoom to discuss having a webinar license attached to your account. 

Why can’t I upload my breakout room pre-assignment sheet? 

First, ensure that your document adheres to the Zoom template, with cells A1 & B1 unchanged from the default. Second, ensure that every email address in column B is in the form of onyen@email.unc.edu. @live.unc.edu, @ad.unc.edu, @unc.edu, will not work for users logged in to their authenticated accounts. Third, ensure that you are saving your file as “CSV (Comma delimited)”. If you’re using Microsoft Excel to create your list, we advise saving as both a .csv and a .xlsx file, as the .xlsx file is easier to edit and correct with Excel. 

How can I see an attendance log of participants that joined my recent meeting? 

Sign in to your Zoom account at unc.zoom.us, then click Reports on the bottom of the menu on the left. Then, select Usage Reports. This will a display a list of all your previous meetings, along with the number of participants in attendance. By clicking on the number of participants, you can see names and emails of all participants in attendance for that particular meeting, which can then be exported as a .csv file. 

How do I stream my meeting live to YouTube? 

First, you’ll need to establish a YouTube channel, and plan to do this at least 24 hours in advance of your event. Next, follow these steps to enable live streaming on your account, and to get started with streaming from Zoom. 

Is it possible to join the same meeting from multiple devices? 

Yes! Zoom currently allows users to join from one computer (like a laptop or desktop) AND one tablet (like an iPad) AND one phone, all at the same time. You can only join from one of each kind of device at any given time. 

If you need to join from more than one of the same type of device (i.e. a desktop AND a laptop) we recommend logging out of Zoom on one of the devices, and joining the meeting from that device by clicking “Join a meeting” and entering the meeting ID and passcode (if applicable).

I’m an instructor, TA, or IA for a class. During our breakout rooms, I’d like to be able to “float” around breakout rooms, and check in with groups of students. How can I do this? 

You will need to be a co-host for the meeting, which can be accomplished either by the host designating you as an alternative host in the meeting settings, or designating you as host from the participant list once the meeting has started. Then, the host will need to assign you to a breakout room, and you will need to go to it (if prompted.) After that, you should have the ability to select any breakout room by clicking on the Breakout Room icon at the bottom of the screen, and “float” around to any room you choose. 

How can a colleague, assistant, or TA/IA handle scheduling meetings for me, while still keeping me as the host? 

Any user can assign scheduling privilege to another user within the same account. Go to your settings page on unc.zoom.us, and scroll down to Assign scheduling privilege to, click Add, and type their onyen@email.unc.edu email address. Then, anytime that user creates a new meeting, they will be able to select whether they are scheduling for themselves, or for you. 

To whom will private chats be visible or available for save? 

Private chats can only be viewed or saved by the two parties involved. Any host or participant that is is not one of those two parties, will not be able to view or save the chats. 

Can those outside UNC join my meeting? 

Certainly! We recommend that authentication settings for each meeting be limited to UNC-only, as a security measure, but when guest speakers or other outsiders are invited to the class, that setting can be altered for a meeting, or a single occurrence of a recurring meeting. If there is no authentication settings enabled for your meeting, we recommend having both a passcode and waiting room enabled, as this will ensure your meeting maintains a high level of security from nefarious actors, while also remaining accessible to invited participants. 

Why can I not change many of the settings for just one occurrence of a recurring meeting? 

Recurring meetings, while scheduled to occur at certain times on certain dates, theoretically always exist in the digital cloud as a meeting that could begin at any time. For this reason, you can’t alter certain settings of just one occurrence of a meeting, as it would be impossible to do this to one occurrence without affecting all other occurrences.  

If you need to adjust settings and are unable to do so for just a single occurrence, wait until shortly before the planned occurrence. Then, when clicking the Edit this meeting icon, select All when asked if you’d like to edit only this occurrence. Change your settings as needed, and then hold your meeting as planned. Then, immediately after the meeting, alter your settings back to their original state, and adjust future meetings as needed. 

How do I record polls within Zoom calls?  

Navigate to your settings page, and find a setting called Meeting Polls/Quizzes, and ensure this setting is enabled (blue.) Then, navigate to an individual meeting’s settings page by clicking Meetings in the left menu, and click on your upcoming meeting’s title. At the bottom of the page, you will see a Polls heading, and a + Create button, which will allow you to create poll questions to use within your meeting. Create and edit your question as needed. To add another question, click + Add Question at the bottom of the pop up window. When finished, click Save. These polls will then be available in the meeting.

I'd like to display a series of questions or assignments for my students to work on in groups. Am I able to share my screen with all breakout rooms at the same time?  

At this time, Zoom does not support this feature. We recommend sharing classroom materials that students would need to work on via Sakai before the class, and instructing the students to open those files on their individual computers.  

What is the difference between a host, co-host, and alternative host?  

Consult this page from Zoom’s help page  to determine the best use of host, co-host, and alternative host.  

Can I just use my Personal Meeting ID (PMID) for my class that happens a few times a week?  Or for regularly scheduled meetings with colleagues?

This is not recommended. The PMID is best used for impromptu meetings, so as to avoid having to send out invitations to a newly-created meeting. Using it for a recurring class or meeting is ill-advised, because colleagues, students, or friends who have previously met with you using the PMID could accidentally “walk in” to that meeting space, interfering with meetings or classes, and potentially compromising confidential information.  

I received an email that my cloud recordings will be deleted shortly. What can I do about this?

Please consult Zoom: Cloud Recording Auto-Detection - FAQ page for help concerning the upcoming deletion of certain cloud recordings.

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This article describes the process of getting a usage report (or list of meeting participants) for your completed meetings. This can be used as an attendance log for a class.