Personal Computing & Software

Ex: Carolina Print, Adobe, Hardware Repair
Plus other services that support computers, mobile devices, printers, software, etc.

Services (26)

Adobe Creative Cloud

Create and manage content across mobile, desktop, and web.

Application Packaging and Deployment

For IT staff needing applications packaged and/or deployed to computers using SCCM, jamfPRO, or other device management tools. Please contact your departmental IT for help deploying software to your computer or for new computer setups.

Carolina Print Hub

Request a new Carolina Print Hub Location

DLL – Support Services

Submit a facilities, new hire or general IT support request for the Digital and Lifelong Learning group.

F&O / SCE IT Supported Units – Make a Request

If you have searched our services and are unable to find what you need, you can use this request for general inquiries.

F&O Mobile Device Request

F&O Mobile Device

General Request

If you have searched our services and are unable to find what you need, you can use this request for general inquiries.

Hardware Order

Hardware request

MDS - Client Computer Setup

New computer setup requests for ITS and MDS customers

MPSC IT Support Services

If you have searched our services and are unable to find what you need, you can use this request for general inquiries.


ResNET Student Support and ResNET Housing Support

SOE - Communications and Marketing

Request for School of Education marketing and communication services

SOM - Computer Support

Get computer help from SOM IT Staff.

SOM - IT Training

School of Medicine IT educational technologies training

SOM - Psychiatry

Request assistance with software, EPIC, and psychiatry employee onboarding,

SOM – Student Systems

Support software for faculty and staff within the School of Medicine

SON - Clinical Support Division

Compliance inquiries: CB bridges/immunizations, clinical site information, epic access.

SON – Computing Support

Computer and Peripherals Relocation Request

SON – Instructional Support, Data Analytics

Individual or Group Consultations

SON - Nursys, TAMS, Typhon, Course Evaluations

Nursys, TAMS, Typhon, Course Evaluations

SOP - Employee Onboarding

For incoming employees in School of Pharmacy

SOP - IET Software/Hardware

Support for software and hardware within School of Pharmacy

SPH - Workstation Setup

New Computer, Re-image, or Re-purpose

Surplus Computing Equipment

The surplus of client computing equipment is facilitated by departmental IT staff.

Virtual Lab

On-demand application delivery solution on multiple devices and platforms.